21 Ways To Burn More Fat: Practical Tips That Get Results

Shedding more weight doesn’t always involve excessive amounts of exercise or starvation diets. Here’s a list of the best ways to burn more fat that are practical and get results.

Fit woman holding up oversized jeans showing results of burning more fat

It’s a common belief that you can’t burn fat if you are eating too many calories.

But it turns out that there are effective ways to make your body use more energy and thus burn more fat.

This is not always an easy task, as weight loss isn’t a one-step process.

Instead, it takes a good amount of both time and effort to get where you want to be.

This article outlines some of the best tips on how to do just that – burn more fat.

The Most Effective Ways To Burn More Fat

When it comes down to it, there are many ways you can “get rid” of those excess calories that are leading to weight gain.

You can burn them off with an adequate amount of activity and caloric deficit in your body.

Here are some of the best ways to burn more fat and start shedding more pounds today.

1. Drink More Water

Drinking a glass of water before any major meals will also help you consume fewer calories throughout the day because it takes up space in your stomach, helping you to fill up faster. Water also has a thermogenic effect on the body, which means it increases your metabolism. Drinking hot water with lemon is a good idea because it helps burn calories faster than drinking cold or room-temperature water.

2. Eat A High-Protein Breakfast

Eating a high-protein breakfast is a great way to keep your appetite in check, especially when you’re trying not to eat too many calories. Protein takes longer for the body to digest than carbohydrates or fats do – giving it more time as an energy-sustaining nutrient and preventing hunger pains that may lead to overeating later on. [1]

3. Stay Active Throughout The Day

Engaging in more activity throughout the day will burn more calories and help you eat a little less at mealtime. Even walking to the water cooler or standing while talking on the phone can make a difference – especially if you usually sit for hours without getting any exercise.

4. Add Interval Training To Your Workouts

Interval training is a great way to burn off more calories in less time. When you have a lot of weight to lose, it’s important for you to balance your lifestyle and not spend your entire day exercising. Just pick a few days per week to add some interval training into your schedule, such as two 10-minute treadmill sprints with 1-minute rest breaks in between.

5. Go For A Run In The Morning Before Work

Exercising first thing in the morning is one of the best ways to burn more fat both during your workout and after your workout is over. This way, as you walk around throughout your day, you’ll continue to burn calories and use more energy. Keep in mind that not all workouts are created equal: sprinting is a much better way to burn fat than walking because it takes your body through a longer range of motion, which means you will burn calories much faster.

6. Cut Down On Sugar And Alcohol

Sugar is a top diet saboteur, especially sugar-sweetened beverages such as juice, soda and fruit drinks. These types of beverages have little nutritional value and will certainly contribute to weight gain. If you must have a sugary drink, consider swapping it in for sparkling water with a squeeze of fresh lemon or lime instead – this will save you lots of calories and grams of sugar! Alcohol is also high in calories (7 calories per gram) so it’s best to stick to only one glass of red wine and to avoid beer or hard alcohol when you’re trying to lose weight.

7. Don’t Eat After 6 pm

People often make the mistake of staying up late at night and then trying to burn off those extra calories by going for a run in the morning. It’s much better just to avoid overeating in the first place by eating your last meal before 6 p.m., allowing your body to get into fat-burning mode quicker. Then you’ll be able to get a good night’s sleep, which is critical for weight loss – especially when you’re trying to burn more fat.

8. Get Plenty Of Sleep Each Night

Getting a good night’s sleep is critical for weight loss. There have been several studies that support the fact that people who sleep fewer hours are more likely to be overweight or obese than people who get plenty of rest each night. The reason why this happens is that when you’re awake, your body releases cortisol (the stress hormone) which encourages your body to store fat. When you’re sleeping, your body releases human growth hormone (HGH), which helps burn fat instead.

9. Stop Drinking Soda

Soda is a top diet saboteur and we are fooling ourselves into thinking that it’s okay to drink because of the calorie-free label on soda cans. It’s not just calories that make you gain weight; it’s also chemicals, additives, and sugar! When you drink soda, your body gets tricked into thinking that it has consumed enough calories and it stops burning fat. It’s also very hard to burn off those extra calories from drinking soda, especially if you keep taking in more and more calories throughout the day. Opt for a glass of sparkling water with fresh lemon or lime instead; this will save you lots of calories and grams of sugar.

10. Engage In Strength Training

Strength training is a great way to burn fat and help you lose weight. When you strength train, you build muscle. When you build muscle, your body takes more calories to maintain the new muscle that was just built. This is called the “muscle-building effect.” Studies have shown that building some muscle will help boost your metabolism by as much as 24%.

11. Combine Cardio With Weight Training

When you combine weight training with cardio, your body will burn more calories than when you are only doing one or the other. Studies have shown that combining weight training and cardiovascular exercise leads to a greater loss of body fat than either type of workout alone. When the two workouts are combined, it has also been suggested that strength/resistance exercises should be done before aerobic exercises in order to burn more fat while working out.

12. Try Tabata Intervals

Tabata intervals are a type of interval training that consists of 20 seconds on, and 10 seconds off. You do this for eight rounds and you can really burn some serious fat with this short but intense workout. Tabata is all about high-intensity workouts so if you’re not ready to go full blast yet, start off with three rounds and work your way up.

13. Swap Out White Breads And Pastas For Whole Grains

One of the top reasons why many people have a hard time losing weight is that they eat too many refined carbs like white bread and pasta. Studies show that people who eat small amounts of whole grains, along with other healthy foods, such as fruits and vegetables, lose more weight than those who don’t eat any whole grains. In fact, one study found that eating three servings of whole grains each day could help people burn an extra 17 calories per day.

14. Replace All Refined Sugars With Stevia

While it’s true that there are some natural sugars that can actually help you burn fat, those refined white and brown sugars are not your friend when trying to lose weight. Studies show that consuming too much of either type of sugar will cause your body to create more fat cells to store the excess sugar. Switch out all forms of refined sugar for stevia and you will both lose weight and have a more energy-packed day.

15. Drink Green Tea Each Day

One of the proven benefits of green tea is that it has been proven to help burn fat. It contains caffeine, which is a natural metabolism booster that can help boost your calorie-burning potential by as much as 5%. The other ingredients in green tea can also help increase your energy, improve your body’s ability to burn fat, and aid in more weight loss.

16. Take A Thermogenic Supplement

There are many bodybuilding supplements out there that claim to help you burn more fat, but one of the most powerful is a thermogenic supplement. Taking a high-quality thermogenic can speed up your metabolism by creating heat in your body and speeding up your heart rate. An increased heart rate is going to lead to more calories being burned because it takes more energy to keep the heart pumping.

17. Exercise First Thing In The Morning

If you have a busy life and are having a hard time finding the time to exercise, try exercising first thing in the morning before doing anything else. The most important meal of your day should be breakfast and you can burn more fat if you combine it with early-morning exercise. Studies show that those who eat breakfast and exercise lose more weight than those who only eat breakfast.

18. Eat Smaller More Frequent Meals

The truth is that you are less likely to burn fat when you eat more often. However, if you eat smaller meals 5-6 times a day, instead of three large ones, it can help keep your metabolism working throughout the day so you don’t store excess calories as fat. Eating smaller meals also helps to speed up your metabolism and burns more fat because you are giving your body the nutrients it needs rather than storing them as fat.

19. Hire A Personal Trainer Or Coach

If you’ve been trying to lose weight and haven’t had any luck, perhaps what you need is a little professional help. A personal trainer or coach can create a customized workout schedule for you that will help burn more fat faster than anything else. Simply put, there is no better way to reduce your body fat percentage than by having a professional coach guide you.

20. Lower Dietary Fat Intake

This one seems counterintuitive since fat is the most calorie-dense nutrient. While it’s true that eating too much fat will keep you from losing weight, cutting all of your fat out of your diet isn’t a smart option either. Studies show that people who eat about 20-25% of their calories in the form of healthy fats are able to lose weight faster than those who don’t. The good fats that you should be consuming are olive oil, nuts, and the fat in meats like chicken.

21. Eat More Fiber

There are two different types of fiber, soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber helps lower cholesterol levels, while insoluble fiber keeps you full longer so that you don’t overeat later. A good way to start increasing the amount of fiber in your diet is by eating more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Most people don’t get nearly enough fiber, but the good news is that you can add more gradually without any side effects.

Final Thoughts On Burning More Fat

Weight loss doesn’t have to be difficult, even if you’ve tried everything else and nothing has worked. These twenty-one tips will help you burn more fat and lead a healthier lifestyle. Follow the advice in this article and start seeing results today.

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About Nichole Arne, BS, CSCS

Nichole Arne is the Founder & Editorial Director here at GeoLeaders.com. She holds a Bachelor’s in Nutrition Science along with over 17 years experience providing training, nutritional coaching, and consulting for athletes, executives, and figure competitors. Nichole leverages her expertise in rapid fat loss, body transformations, clinical nutrition, lifestyle design, and competition preparation to help clients achieve their full fitness potential.