Top 10 Diet Pill Ingredients – Look For these Before You Buy

There are several common ingredients you’ll find in every top weight loss supplement. Here’s a look at the top diet pill ingredients and how they work.

Diet Pill Ingredients

Many of the top diet pills on the market today share a lot of the same popular ingredients for weight loss.

And like so many products, we just happily buy into the marketing hype and let it convince us we will achieve the results we’re looking for.

So the question is, do you really know what goes into a diet pill?

In this article, we’ll take a look at the ten of the top diet pill ingredients.

You’ll be able to understand what exactly they are, how they work and if there are any potential side effects.

1. Green Tea – Thermogenic/Metabolism Booster

First off, there are several different varieties of green tea and some of the more popular types are Sencha, Genmaicha and Matcha.

Studies have shown that green tea extract, found in many popular supplements, can aid in weight loss by boosting metabolism and energy levels. [1]

Green tea also helps the body burn larger amounts of fat through the process of thermogenesis.

Green tea is not only a great thermogenic fat burner though.

It’s also packed full of health-promoting antioxidants called catechins.

Catechins are beneficial for reducing blood fat levels and lowering cholesterol.

Catechins can also help with the detoxification process in the body and as well as suppressing appetite.

Green Tea Side Effects

When it comes to side effects, green tea supplements are relatively safe when used as directed.

The natural caffeine in green tea supplements means that those with caffeine sensitivity should proceed with caution.

2. Guarana – Thermogenic/Appetite Suppressant

Guarana is a popular all-natural stimulant that has been used to increase stamina, endurance and metabolism.

The beneficial properties of Guarana help the body to burn more fat, while also suppressing appetite.

Although studies show its effectiveness as a weight loss aid, it contains three times as much caffeine as coffee so users should take caution.

Guarana Side Effects

Guarana is a potent stimulant and is not recommended for anyone who is sensitive to caffeine or other stimulants.

Those who have any type of heart condition, high blood pressure or who have an overactive thyroid should also steer clear of supplements containing Guarana.

Guarana’s potency as a stimulant may cause heart palpitations, insomnia and hyperactivity in sensitive individuals.

3. Green Coffee Bean Extract – Metabolism Booster

Pure green coffee bean extract contains a compound called chlorogenic acid which helps in weight loss.

Studies have shown chlorogenic acid to be promising in boosting metabolism, allowing the body to burn larger amounts of fat and expedite weight loss. [2]

One of the main benefits of green coffee is that the unroasted beans won’t produce the same jittery side effects normally associated with regular coffee.

Green coffee supplements also contain less caffeine than other natural sources.

The green coffee extract also boasts other health benefits in addition to weight loss and metabolism.

Benefits include blood sugar regulation, reduction in blood pressure, improvements in blood circulation and high antioxidant properties.

Green Coffee Extract Side Effects

Because of the lower levels of caffeine and the fact that it won’t give you the jitters, green coffee is a relatively safe supplement with few side effects.

4. Glucomannan – Appetite Suppressant

Also known as Konjak, Glucomannan is a popular water-soluble fiber used for weight loss.

This plant root is included as an ingredient in many diet supplements as an appetite suppressant.

The fiber swells up in your stomach so you feel fuller for longer periods of time, helping you consume fewer calories.

Glucomannan Side Effects

Unlike ingredients that have stimulating properties such as green tea and Guarana, Glucomannan comes with a number of downsides.

Common side effects include gas, bloating, nausea and diarrhea.

In some rare cases, blockages in the esophagus and intestine have been reported.

For safety reasons, is recommended to take this supplement in capsule form rather than tablet form.

The large tablets are more likely to get lodged and cause blockages.

Blockages are made worse by the ingestion of water, causing swelling and causing potentially serious problems.

5. Acai Berry – Appetite Suppressant/Metabolism Booster

The Acai berry is a relatively new super-fruit on the scene that has become quickly known for its potent antioxidant content.

Antioxidants are important because they protect the body from the buildup of free radicals, which can lead to health issues such as cancer and heart disease.

David Grotto, RD, author of 101 Foods That Could Save Your Life says “Acai is a nutrient-rich source of antioxidants, much like many other fruits, but there is nothing magical about the fruit to cause weight loss.”

Acai is often included in many diet pills because of claims suggesting the fiber acts as a potent appetite suppressant to help reduce cravings.

The fatty acids in Acai are also supposed to help boost metabolism for greater fat loss effects.

All claims aside, Acai berry extract does help the body with detoxification, allowing for optimum digestive function.

So although there are no clear clinical links to weight loss, the general health benefits will certainly help the digestive system work more efficiently.

6. Chromium – Glucose Regulator

Chromium is a mineral whose main function is glucose regulation, helping the body properly process carbohydrates.

Proper glucose regulation assists in the proper metabolism of sugar so its calories are burned for fuel rather than stored as fat.

This makes Chromium a popular ingredient in diet supplements.

Chromium Side Effects

Although this is a natural mineral, there is little information out there on the long-term safety of taking Chromium as a weight loss aid.

There has even been speculation linking higher doses of chromium to kidney failure and liver damage, but this needs further investigation.

In its favor, chromium boasts the ability to help in controlling cholesterol and fat levels in the blood, for improved heart health.

7. L-Carnitine – Fat Burner

L-Carnitine is an amino acid that occurs naturally both in our bodies and also in red meat.

This relatively safe diet supplement ingredient metabolizes body fat and turns dietary fat into usable energy.

This efficient metabolic process allows you to burn more stored fat while increasing lean muscle mass.

L-Carnitine Side Effects

Since L-Carnitine is a naturally occurring amino acid already present in our bodies, there are very few side effects of taking it.

Just make sure to follow the recommended dosing guidelines if you are taking a supplement.

8. Capsicum – Thermogenic

Capsicum is an extract of chili pepper and has been proven as an effective weight loss aid.

The thermogenic properties of Capsicum raise body temperature, thereby boosting metabolism for an increase in fat mobilization.

Capsicum also helps stabilize blood sugar levels by regulating the breakdown of carbohydrates from food.

Additional health benefits include:

  • Blood pressure regulation
  • Improved blood circulation
  • Reduction in respiratory illnesses
  • Increasing energy levels
  • Reduction in bacterial infection

Capsiplex and the newly released Capsiplex Plus are two of the only natural diet pills that contain adequate amounts of this key thermogenic ingredient.

You can read more about Capsiplex in our recent review.

9. Brown Seaweed – Thermogenic

Brown seaweed contains a compound that has been shown to promote weight loss called Fucoxanthin.

Animal studies of Fucoxanthin have shown improvements in fat oxidation and thermogenesis, improving the conversion of energy to heat.

Both of these benefits are contributing factors to weight loss.

Brown seaweed has also been shown to stimulate the liver to produce a compound called DHA, a type of fatty acid similar to Omega 3.

Healthy levels of DHA help to reduce LDL cholesterol, the “bad” kind that has been linked to obesity and heart disease.

Fucoxanthin Side Effects

There are no adverse side effects reported from brown seaweed, which is why this natural ingredient is so popular many diet pills.

10. Prickly Pear – Appetite Suppressant/Fat Blocker

Prickly pear is a popular extract that comes from a cactus plant but is relatively untested regarding its effects on weight loss.

It does have general health benefits, as it has been proven to help in lowering cholesterol, managing diabetes and improving prostate health.

There is some evidence, however, linking prickly pear to weight loss as it stabilizes blood sugar levels.

This helps weight loss in two ways.

First, when blood sugar levels are too high, the body senses it has too much glucose and will store some of it as fat instead of using it for fuel.

Sugar spikes also cause an increase in cravings, leading to overeating.

By properly controlling blood sugar levels, less sugar is stored as fat and food cravings are reduced.

So in this aspect, it acts as a natural appetite suppressant and fat blocker.

Packed full of antioxidants that decrease oxidative damage and improve general health, prickly pear is a safe, natural ingredient with a multitude of benefits.

Those looking for a prickly pear extract product should look no further than Proactol Plus– a dual fat binder and appetite suppressant which has impressive feedback and clinical backing.

Prickly Pear Side Effects

Second, prickly pear contains fiber which speeds up the digestive process, so there can be some laxative effects.

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About Gabe Ramsey, BS, CSCS

Gabe is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and Senior Editor here at He holds a Bachelor’s in Exercise and Sport Science along with over 15 years experience providing world-class training, coaching, and consulting for bodybuilders, strength athletes, and physique competitors. Gabe provides science-based fitness education with proven expertise in strength and hypertrophy programming, high-performance nutrition, nutritional supplementation, and body recomposition. Follow Gabe on Twitter and connect with him on LinkedIn.