Vimax Review And Buyer’s Guide (2023 UPDATE)

Vimax is a popular male enhancement pill that has a simple herbal formula. Here’s why simple may not be better when it comes to a male enhancement supplement.

Vimax reviews, ratings, and buyer's guide

When it comes to Vimax, there are some people who swear by it and some people who don’t.

Unlike some of the other leading supplements on the market such as VigRX Plus pills, this is a very basic male enhancement formula.

You won’t find any of the extra ‘bells and whistles’ in this product, but it is claimed to produce results simply by time-tested ingredients.

So does Vimax really work or is the formula just too simple to produce any serious increases in male performance?

In this Vimax review, we’ll take a look at every aspect of the supplement and let you decide for yourself if this is the right male enhancement pill for you.

Vimax Review – Does It Really Work?

Have you ever dreamed of enjoying a sex life again like the way you did back when you were in your prime?

We’re talking like when you were in your early 20s and seemed to be able to keep going on and on forever.

Now, I’m going to guess you would probably do almost anything to get back that kind of sex life, right?

Well, you’ll probably want to stick around to see everything that Vimax male enhancement pills are able to do to help you out.

What Is Vimax?

Vimax is a male enhancement supplement developed for men who want to increase their libido, arousal, and overall sexual performance.

Only the most powerful all-natural ingredients go into each tablet and results can be seen without ever running the risk of compromising your health.

According to the manufacturer, these male enhancement pills have been shown to:

  • Ramp up your sex drive literally overnight
  • Increase your confidence and self-esteem in the bedroom
  • Give you a sense of control when you are with new partners
  • Improve the overall size, hardness, and power of your penis
  • Increase your sexual endurance for longer sessions that last well into the morning

How Does It Work?

Vimax uses 100% all-natural ingredients in a timed-release system for maximum effect.

The ingredients slowly flood your body with components to increase blood flow to your penis and produce longer harder erections.

During your very first week of using this supplement, you may even notice that your ability to last longer during sex increases.

You may also notice an increase in your sex drive and overall sexual desire.

Some users have even reported starting to feel like a teenager again.

How Effective Is Vimax?

Unlike more advanced male enhancement supplements such as ProSolution Plus, this really isn’t game-changing stuff by any stretch of the imagination.

We are talking about a simple formula aimed at elevating your game when it comes to sex.

Some have claimed that this supplement can give you the confidence you need with the type of rock-hard erections you need to get the job done.

That may or may not be true it can’t compete with some of the other more potent supplements out there such as VigRx pills.

To put it into perspective, the effectiveness of Vimax isn’t going to be something that is considered off the charts.

As shown above, these male enhancement pills have gone through a number of various testing protocols and clinical studies.

This verifies that it produces the results that it promises safely and without any side effects.

Is Vimax Safe?

Unlike some of the other more aggressive male enhancement supplements on the market today such as ExtenZe, this particular product focuses more on safety.

But don’t be fooled, because these pills can still deliver the kind of potent results you are looking for.

Vimax is known as one of the best ‘safe’ supplements for men, built on a legendary reputation in the industry for containing 100% all-natural and completely safe ingredients.

When it comes down to it, this male enhancement product delivers results far more safely than any of the chemically enhanced pills ever could.

Vimax Benefits

According to the manufacturer, taking Vimax on a regular basis going to help you:

  • Perform better in the bedroom
  • Enjoy sex a lot more with increased endurance
  • Achieve harder erections every time

This product is designed to help you see improvements in performance that can help to satisfy both you and your partner better.

How Long Until You See Results?

Everyone wants to know how long it’s going to take to see or feel any of the performance-enhancing results.

Here is a month-by-month look at what you can expect when you start using Vimax:

  • Month 1: During the first month of using this product, you may start to notice an increase in sexual stamina. You may even be one of the lucky ones who gain the ability to last two or three times longer in bed than usual.
  • Month 2: During the second month, users reported a nice bump in overall performance and satisfaction during sex. Data from more than 9,000 customers have shown that performance shot up dramatically after only 5 to 8 weeks of supplementation. It was also reported their sexual partners felt as if their man was more of an “alpha male” in the bedroom.
  • Month 3: If you can get through the third month, you may be able to notice some nice increases in the size and hardness of your erections. Whatever happens in Month 3 is going to be about the maximum capacity of what the ingredients in this supplement are capable of producing.

As you can see, by the end of the third month, you should be able to tell that your erections continue to get harder and longer. So in the end, you should definitely notice some differences for sure.

Vimax Ingredients

The male enhancement supplement industry is highly competitive with the majority of companies playing to win.

That means most of the more ‘hardcore’ products skate right on the line when it comes to the level of ingredients.

This is also one of those industries where scammers flock far and wide.

Many companies out there are willing to cut corners and not use ingredients that are 100% safe.

Manufacturers like these often use synthetic compounds that may come with side effects but are guaranteed to improve their bottom line.

You never have to worry about anything like that with Vimax.

This is just your basic male enhancement formula that contains 100% safe all-natural ingredients.

Here’s what you will find in each Vimax tablet:

  • Vitamin E
  • Ginkgo biloba
  • Ginseng
  • Cayenne pepper
  • Saw palmetto
  • Oat Strong Extract

As you can see, these are pretty much some of the safest herbal ingredients and will work synergistically so you can get a full effect.

Unfortunately, you won’t find any of the more popular herbal performance ingredients like Horny Goat Weed or even Tribulus Terrestris (found in Vialis) in this product though.

How Effective Is It?

From the looks of the label it’s probably going to produce about average results, but nothing out of the ordinary.

Each of the ingredients has been hand-selected because of the way that they cause an increase in Nitric Oxide.

As you have probably read in my other reviews, Nitric Oxide is the chemical responsible for giving you longer, harder erections and boosting overall sexual performance. [1]

So you will at least get some results with firmer erections that may last a little bit longer than normal.

Money Back Guarantee

For anyone who wants to take Vimax for a spin but is still a bit uncertain, there is nothing to fear.

Every purchase comes with a complete and total, zero-strings-attached, 60-day money-back guarantee.

That means you can use Vimax for about two months with zero risks at all to see for yourself what it is capable of.

And if you aren’t satisfied with the results for any reason, the manufacturer will charge back your payment.

The Final Verdict: Should You Buy Vimax?

To be perfectly honest, this is not a product that is on my list of top male enhancement supplements.

I’m not going to say that it’s bad, it’s just not in the category of an ‘elite’ supplement.

I would recommend Vimax to anyone who wants to play it safe with a basic supplement just to get their feet wet so to speak.

If you want something that is going to knock your socks off, then I would recommend a more hardcore product like Performer 8.

These are advanced male enhancement pills and you are definitely going to get your money’s worth out of them.

Shop Performer 8 Male Enhancement Pills


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About Gabe Ramsey, BS, CSCS

Gabe is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and Senior Editor here at He holds a Bachelor’s in Exercise and Sport Science along with over 15 years experience providing world-class training, coaching, and consulting for bodybuilders, strength athletes, and physique competitors. Gabe provides science-based fitness education with proven expertise in strength and hypertrophy programming, high-performance nutrition, nutritional supplementation, and body recomposition. Follow Gabe on Twitter and connect with him on LinkedIn.